Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter! Jesus is Alive!

Christ is risen. He is risen indeed!

We began our Easter with an early morning departure from camp for the ensemble (Hannah, Faith, Katie, Thomas, and CJ) to worship at a young church in Kempton Park. And by young, we mean not only is the church only a year or two old, but of the 30 or so folks in attendance, about 25 of them were teens and children. The church meets faithfully in a kind lady's one-car garage (see photos). As has become the pattern here, we went to be a blessing and we were blessed so much more in return. What an amazing spirit these young people have for the Lord! To walk themselves or pile into carpools to go to church without their parents dragging them (and without their parents), and to sing and worship with passion in a garage! How many American teens would do that, we wondered?

We had a wonderful time, with the ensemble singing, and John preaching, and we even had an offer from one of the adults to provide his nephew as a great, godly husband for Hannah, Katie, or Faith (any one of them would do, he said). As tempted as they were (well, maybe not), I had to inform him that we kinda promised the parents we would bring all 14 kids home, and the assumption was that they would all still be single!

From there, we were off to just around the corner to meet up with the rest of the team at Bible Baptist Church for the Deaf. Again, what an amazing experience. We learned a few signs, but mostly sat in awe of the friendliness and warmth of these brothers and sisters in Christ. They sang with their hands and listened with their eyes.

As we sang together (we with our voices, and they with their hands) the precious words. . .

In mansions of glory and endless delight,
I’ll ever adore Thee in Heaven so bright;
And sing with the glittering crown on my brow;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus ’tis now.

. . . I couldn't help but think two things. First, how wonderful it will be in heaven to sing to God forever with people of all colors and nations, and second, how extra special it will be for these dear disciples to hear their own voices joining millions others for the very first time.

Following worship, Katie German set up the drama by sharing her testimony of how God saved her as a teenager and changed the direction of her life. Pastor Chris interpreted in sign. Following the "Thief" drama, Kyle then shared that, unlike the repentant thief, salvation for us is not the end, but the beginning of a life serving the God who saved us. Kyle challenged all of us to be fishers of men.

As we fellowshipped after with the adults and children, many of us wondered how often our lack of appreciation for our hearing shows itself in our lack of passion in worship and half-hearted approach to "listening" to God's Word as it is taught each week. If any group of people had an excuse NOT to sing, it would be these folks, but praise God, they do not make excuses, they just make a joyful noise (with their hands) to the Lord.

On the way home from there, we ate at Boston BBQ, which gave the kids their choice of either local, African delicacies or good-old American fare like mac & cheese.

Then, after a quick change into our hiking clothes, we were off to Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens (click for link) for an amazing look at God's creation (see photos). Despite a heavy rain, we decided to go for it and we were so glad we did. The muddy hike culminated at the base of a gorgeous waterfall, home of two rare, black eagles. We decided to hike to the top of the falls. On the way, the rain stopped and we were greeted at the top to a wonderful, double rainbow! We also were able to see the eagle nests and even spotted the eagles (thanks to Thomas' "eagle-eyes").

After dinner back at camp, we spent time with the Lord individually, searching the Word and praying. Then we came together for our nightly debriefing, sharing what God has taught us and planning for the next day's ministry.

As we head off to bed, please praise God with us for the following:

  • Steve Groff received word that he has been accepted into the United States Air Force Academy. This is quite an honor, and we are praising God for it.
  • His amazing creation.
  • Continued safety and smoothness to the mission.
  • How He is working in our hearts and others.
And please pray with us for the following:
  • Hannah's grandfather, very sick.
  • The two Houses of Safety we will visit tomorrow. Pray that God will give each team member good, specific conversations with the children there about the hope that is only found in Jesus Christ.
  • Good physical rest and spiritual refreshment.
We hope your Easter was as wonderful as ours. Praise God!


Anonymous said...

Hannah, Happy Easter!! We miss you so much but we know you are where the Lord wants you. We're so excited that you have this opportunity to serve our great Lord. We saved your easter basket for you and we missed you on the easter egg hunt. Love you tons,
Mom, Dad, Christy, Josh, Caleb , Nathan, Rebekah, Yeoibin, cookie, beauty, todd, and sassy.

Anonymous said...

Kyle! Happy Easter! We missed you at dinner. In your absence we did not have an Easter egg hunt. So proud of your fishers of men message!! By the way, Flyers beat the Islanders tonight and Villanova is still alive. Love you and miss you, Mom, Dad, Christen, Ginger and Baby xoxox

Pezzi Family said...

Andrea, Happy Easter from the Pezzi/Lefler gang, we missed you at Grand mom Addie’s on Easter and we were all praying for you. At Grand mom Addies we were viewing the South Africa Missions Team Website. Everyone is so amazed of what the team has accomplished and that you ate all those MEATS!

Alex had go "find" her Easter basket, so you'll have to do the same when you get home. Grand mom Addie saved ravioli soup for you, when you get home.

Be Bold and Brave for Him,
We Love you Dad, Mom and Alex

P.S. Pray for grand mom Lila, she is not feeling well with her knee replacement surgery.

Mrs. Debra Anderson said...

Hi Thomas, Happy Resurrection Day! The church play was really Good, "Liar, Lunatic or Lord". We saved your dinner and candy. I will try to keep Jayson and Jordan from eating your candy. It was good to hear your voice on Saturday. I look forward to the stories you will tell when you get home. I pray that the joy of the Lord is your strength and everything you set your hands to do will prosper.